29 April 2009

My red belly

I think I must be shower handicap. Tonight I showered again so that if I got water everywhere, it would dry before morning and before someone else had to shower. It also gives me a little more time to sleep because there is a seven hour time difference and it is 1:30am (Thursday) here. I scalled my belly and it hurts like a belly buster in the pool (or the more politically incorrect indian burn). I am afraid it will blister which is perfect because I have a huge bruise on my knee and I don't know how is got there and my right foot just recovered from tripping on a sawed off post in sidewalk in Charleston and the torture I gave them in two separate pairs of three inch heels.

The bathroom however stayed dry. I only wish for a washcloth, but when in Rome....

While I have the public, internet chance (thank you Al Gore) I would like to say Thank You to Brad and Jack for presenting my cases and to David who had to sit through all of them. You may not think this, but I sure do....It was TOTALLY worth it for me (no sleep and all) Even if it is just for this one day.


  1. Ok, look, it sounds like you're having too much fun with this whole "Egypt" thing. If I knew there was going to be so much "fun" I wouldn't have volunteered to do your JDH stuff. I thought this was supposed to be a work thing. Does Vicky know how much fun you're having? I think your paid time needs to be reduced; but that's just me. I'm just sayin'.

    If you don't have a washcloth, you could always use a "gouda" sponge.


  2. I don't know - it just seems more to me like lots of showers.
