First let me apologize for not uploading my computer. These last two days that have felt more like 5 days are to say the leat crazy. I don't get either home or to myself until midnight and by then I am exhausted. I had a nap today so I am better.
I am a linguistic sponge. I know about 20 arabic words..sort of, but I have completely picked up how the Egyptian English accent and word phrasing. It has been hard for me my sister would say like yourself. I try not to talk to my group as much and so my Egyptian English just comes out. What is more frustrating is that I have noticed that I am typing exactly like I am thinking which now is Egyptian English with some French. I've had my second long Egyptian french discussion about when people get married in the states and how my mother does not pressure me to get married.
I love my host family. Thus far I think I am getting the most authentic experience. Regina is staying with our coordinator and she is very busy. The guys are staying in an apartment on their own. I am staying with Mona and her mother and I see Mona's boyfriend everyday. Mona's mother "mothers" me and it has been great and has made the transition wonderful.
By the way, I am not editing these posts so if I tell you my mother is behind a fag instead of behind a flag (those of you on FB know what I am talking about), just try to find the most logical choice.
I will get pictures up as soon as I can and maybe I will try to write some stories that are funnier.
Wonderful post we too loved you very much. :))